With the cooperation of Department of Atatürk Research Center and Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of History and Political Science an international symposium titled “Turkey-Romania Relations: Past and Present” is going to be held on 4-6 October, 2017 in Constanta.

Romania and Turkey, both situated in the turmoiled area of Eastern Europe and Balkans, shared together a deep long common history.

Wallachia and Moldavia, strongly connected with the Ottoman Empire for centuries were affected by the revolutions emerging in Europe in the middle of the XIXth century and ideas of autonomy/independency began spreading. Following Crimean War and Paris Peace Conference of 1856, Wallachia and Moldavia acquired autonomy and came under the assurance of the European states. In this process, each of the European states took different attitudes towards the region.

In this context, on January 5, 1859 Moldavia Parliament and on January 24, 1859 Wallachia Parliament chose Alexandre Ion Cuza as the Prince to the throne unanimously. Therefore, a de facto unification came true. Although Ottoman State objected to the unification at first, it acknowledged on December 2, 1861 that Wallachia and Moldavia had a central administration. Thus, as well as being an associated state to the Ottoman State, the Romanian state de facto emerged from Wallachia and Moldavia.

Subsequently, with the Treaty of Berlin in 1878 Romania gained its full independence and became a Kingdom in 1881.

As it is briefly expressed above, Romania has a deep historical, cultural, political and economic relations with Turkey. Both countries got involved in the adventure of Western modernization and at this point Romania went through similar processes to Ottoman State and Republic of Turkey.

Their improving relations at the beginning of the 20th century, increasing cultural, economic and political connections show a tendency of good neighboring. Our aim is to enhance the academic studies about this issue.

In this respect, the symposium will enable researches conducting studies about the mutual historical, political, economic, social and cultural relations of the two countries to present, disseminate and introduce their researches at the international level.

Papers to be presented in the Symposium are required that they have not been presented or published elsewhere before and have not been published and used in any article, book or chapter of a book, in a “chapter, title or subheading” of any thesis.

Below are some topics that are planned to be included in the symposium. However, the paper topics are not limited to these. Different topics may also be proposed on condition that one does not digress from the main theme and sticks to the general framework of thesymposium.


Subtopics of the Symposium

Below are some topics that are planned to be included in the symposium. However, the paper topics are not limited to these. Different topics may also be proposed on condition that one does not digress from the main theme and sticks to the general framework of thesymposium.


Turkish-Romanian Relations (Since the Beginning until Today)


·         Diplomatic Relations

·         Ottoman-Romanian Relations (political, military, economic)

·         Republic of Turkey and Romania Relations (political, military, economic)

·         The Balkan Wars

·         World War I and II

·         The Danube and the Straits



·         Historical Geography

·         The Danube Basin and Balkans

·         Demography and Demographical Actions

·         Social and Cultural Relations

·         Education and Educational Institutions

·         Educators and Scientists

·         Interactions in the Linguistic Field

·         Resource Utilization in Historiography

·         The Ottoman Empire, Turkey and Romania in History Textbooks

Academics who wish to participate in the Symposium are supposed to fill out the Participation Form with their resumes and lists of publication and to send paper abstracts containing with a minimum of 300 words as an attached file to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..The deadline is on 14 April 2017. Official languages of the symposium are Turkish, Romanian and English.

After the abstracts are evaluated by the Organizing and Scientific Committees, a second announcement will be made as to the accepted papers.




Abstract Submission and Evaluation


Domesticand foreign academicians as well as researchers who study the relevant subjects are welcomed to participate in the symposium. For participation, paper abstracts containing objectives, methods, sources used and possible findings with a minimum of 300 words must be sent as an attached file to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  The deadline is the end of the working time on 14 April 2017. Paper abstracts will be evaluated by the members of the Organizing and Scientific Committees by taking theirconformity with symposium topics and scientific conditions as well as the originality of the studiesinto account. Assessments by the committee members will be in the way of acceptance / correction / rejection. The accepted papers will be announced to the related people and they will be asked to send the full text until 01.09.2017. Papers which are not sent in full text is not going to be included in the Symposium Program.

It is necessary that the Paper has not been presented or published elsewhere before and has not been used in a “chapter,title or subheading” of any published book, or in any thesis even if it has not been published.

After the symposium, Papers presented will be published in the Symposium Book of Papers. Official languages of the symposium are Turkish and English.


Submission of the Full Text

The full texts of the accepted papers must be sent as a Word file in conformity with spelling rules and writing format to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 8 September 2017. The papers, the full texts of which have been sent, will be involved in the symposium program after being examined by the Organizing and Scientific Committees in terms of conformity with abstract and scientific terms.



1.      The heading of the study must be written in bold, using capital letters; the text-alignment should be central and the name of the author should be placed just below, to the right. The academic title, institution and e-mail should be given respectively in an unnumbered footnote at the bottom of the page.

2.      Following the heading and author name, the Turkish and English summaries/abstracts should be written in size 10pt, each consisting of 200 words. The English summary should also include the heading in English.

3.      The typeface should be Times New Roman, in size 12pt. Tables, footnotes and references should be relayed in size 10pt.

4.      The study should be written in M. Word program, blocked according to an A4 paper size. Margins should consist of 2,5cm while the header and footer should be 1,25cm.  

5.      There must be spacing between paragraphs. The indent: 0 cm, 6pt space-before: 6pt space-after, using single line spacing.  

6.      Concerning references, the surname of the author, date of publication and page number should be given in this order in brackets as in the following example: (Çaycı, 2002:520). If referenced in a footnote, however, it should be expressed in a sequence following the name and surname of the author, the book title (in bold, articles expressed in quotation marks and italic), the publishing house, place and date of publication and page number. The sources used should be presented as in the format of footnotes, in alphabetical order according to surname at the end of the article.

7.      Tables and graphics need to be individually numbered, giving their resources directly beneath the table or graphic in size 10pt.  

8.      Original documents, pictures (photos, images, etc.), maps which are not directly relevant to the study should not be presented within the article body but should be numbered and attached at the end of it. High-resolution images should be saved on a CD and submitted separately.   

9.      The paper is to be from 8 up to a maximum of 16 pages.



Department of Atatürk Research Center

Ziyabey Cad. No: 19

06520/ Balgat - ANKARA- TURKEY

Tel: +90 312 2856551

Fax : +90 312 2855527

Web     :

e-posta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Prof. Mehmet Ali BEYHAN (President of Atatürk Research Center / ANKARA)

Nihat BÜYÜKBAŞ (Vice President of Atatürk Research Center / ANKARA)

Prof. Adnan SOFUOĞLU (Hacettepe University / ANKARA )

C.S. I Ovidius CRİSTEA (Romanian Academy "N. İorga" Director of History Institute / Bucharest - ROMANIA)

Prof. Mustafa Sıtkı BİLGİN (Yildirim Beyazit University / ANKARA)

Prof. Ömer TURAN (METU Faculty of Science and Letters / ANKARA)

Prof. Sevinç ALİYEVA (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences / Baku / AZERBAIJAN)

Assoc.Prof. Emanuel PLOPEANU  (“Ovidius” University, Dean of the Faculty of History and Political Science)

Prof. Florin ANGHEL (“Ovidius” University, Faculty of History and Political Science)

Lecturer Ph.D. Daniel-Valentin CITIRIGĂ, (“Ovidius” University, Vice-dean of the Faculty of History and Political Science)

Assoc.Prof. Hasan CİCİOĞLU (East Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa / TRNC)

Assoc.Prof. Seyfi YILDIRIM (Hacettepe University / ANKARA)

Assoc.Prof. Silvana RACHİERU ( Bucharest University, Faculty of History)

Asst.Prof. Cezmi KARASU (Osmangazi University / ESKİŞEHİR)

Hacı Ahmet DAŞTAN (TİKA Bucharest Program Office / Bucharest - ROMANIA)

Hüseyin TOSUN (Atatürk Research Center, Director of Human Resources and Support Services / ANKARA)



Prof. Mehmet Ali BEYHAN (President of Atatürk Research Center)

Nihat BÜYÜKBAŞ (Vice President of Atatürk Research Center)

C.S. I Ovidius CRİSTEA (Director of the "N. İorga" Institute of History, Romanian Academy)

C.S. I Ileana Căzan, (Deputy Director of the "N. İorga" Institute of History, Romanian Academy)

Assoc.Prof.Emanuel PLOPEANU (“Ovidius” University, Dean of the Faculty of History and Political Science)

Lecturer Ph.D. Daniel-Valentin CITIRIGĂ, (“Ovidius” University, Vice-dean of the Faculty of History and Political Science)


Prof. Florin ANGHEL (“Ovidius” Üniversity, Faculty of History and Political Science)


Prof. Ömer TURAN (METU)

Prof. Adnan SOFUOĞLU (Hacettepe University)

Prof. Cebi BERAMOV (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of History)

Prof. Mustafa Sıtkı BİLGİN (Yildirim Beyazit University)

Prof. Ayten SEZER (Hacettepe University)

Assoc.Prof. Hasan CİCİOĞLU (East Mediterranean University)

Assoc.Prof. Önder DUMAN (Ondokuz Mayıs University)

Assoc.Prof. Seyfi YILDIRIM (Hacettepe University)

Assoc.Prof. Silvana RACHİERU (University of Bucharest, Faculty of History)

Assoc.Prof. Selçuk URAL (Kafkas University)

Assoc.Prof. Hasan CİCİOĞLU (East Mediterranean University)

Asst.Prof. Cezmi KARASU (Osmangazi University)



Duygu TÜRKER (Atatürk Research Center / Ankara)

Gonca AŞUT (Atatürk Research Center / Ankara)

Cristina FİLİP (Faculty of History and Political Science, Constanţa / Romania)

İzel SELİM (Faculty of History and Political Science, Constanța / Romania)

Omer METİN (Hacettepe University /Turkey)






Symposium Announcement


1 March 2017


Due Date to Send Paper Abstracts


14 April 2017


Notice for the Papers Approved


28 April 2017


Due Date to Send Papers as Full-Texts


11 August 2017


Announcement for the Final Program of the Symposium


8 September 2017




4-6 October  2017


Due Date for Papers to Be Published

3 November 2017


Publication of Papers Presented


January-July 2018